本剧改编自播客《Slow Burn》第一季,聚焦水门事件丑闻背后不为人知的故事和被遗忘的人物——从尼克松总统笨手笨脚、投机取巧的下属,到帮助、教唆他们犯下罪行的狂热派,以及最终导致整个腐败团体下台的吹哨人。
故事围绕Martha Mitchell展开。Martha惹人注目、口无遮拦,是阿肯色州的社交名流,也是尼克松忠诚的司法部长John Mitchell的妻子。尽管她有党派背景,却是第一个公开就尼克松参与水门事件发出警告的人,这导致了总统任期的崩塌,和她的个人生活的破裂。作为司法部长,Mitchell是尼克松最信任的顾问和最好的朋友。他脾气暴躁、出口成脏、冷酷无情,但也无可救药地爱着自己以直言不讳而闻名的妻子。Mitchell将被迫在Martha和总统之间做出选择。
Misha, who returns to her royal family estate after 15 years to visit her estranged father, only to find him missing.
姑母意外死亡,给美丽、善良的少女宝拉(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)留下大笔遗产,引来心术不正的青年安东(查尔斯·博耶 Charles Boyer 饰)觊觎。追求宝拉成功后,二人回到宝拉姑母曾经遇害的伦敦旧宅居住。本以为就此拥有完美丈夫和幸福生活的宝拉,逐渐受到古怪现象困扰,她总会听到奇怪的响声,东西经常莫名其妙消失又出现,新来的女仆也对她态度轻蔑,煤气灯也开始忽明忽暗,安东暗示一切都是宝拉自己的幻觉,是宝拉的精神出现了问题。就在宝拉慢慢心理崩溃,濒临发疯的边缘,一个年轻的侦探伯林(约瑟夫·科顿 Joseph Cotten 饰)出现了,他发现宝拉正在被孤立,背后的主谋正是她的完美丈夫……
Twenty years ago, old Mrs. Barlow was killed in her home at 12, Pimlico Square for her priceless rubies. The murderer searched the whole house without finding them, then disappeared. The house has been empty since then, but now Paul and Bella Mallen move into the apartment. Bella Mallen suffers from forgetfulness and nervousness - at least that is what her husband tells her. An elderly horse wrangler, B.G. Rough worked as a policeman twenty years ago and still remembers the unsolved case. He notices that Mr. Mallen looks just like Louis Barre, Mrs. Barlow's nephew. And why does Mr. Mallen so mysteriously leave every night just to go into the apartment next door, nr. 14?